Treatment procedure
When you arrive at our clinic you might be a little agitated. Our front office ladies will take care of you and take you to the waiting area or even directly to your room. You should have had breakfast by then! If this is not the case, please let us know. Eating before is important for a balanced blood sugar level during the operation.
Only a short time later you will be taken down to the operating area where you can get changed for the operation. First, the surgeon marks the areas to be treated, followed by a photo documentation.
We then start with infiltrating the TLA solution. The infiltration phase takes about 45 minutes with a 30-minute break, so that the solution has time to unfold its effect in the tissue. The procedure of liposuction itself will take between 90 and 150 minutes.
You will be awake the whole time and can talk to the nurse and doctor during the operation. If you prefer being less awake during the liposuction procedure there is always the option of administering relaxing medication.
Directly after the operation a nurse will walk you up to your room where you will be served a little lunch. The dressings will be changed several times throughout the day. Early evening the surgeon will come to check on you. For your dinner you have a big choice of meals from the menu of an Italian restaurant. We also provide a large selection of films to help you relax before you go to sleep.
Additionally you will receive a large package of dressings and medications from us to take home with you. If you have any questions or problems in the first few weeks after the operation don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You will be given an emergency number where you can get hold of our doctors directly 24/7.
The compression garment should be worn for at least 8 weeks after the operation.
6 months later you will have your follow-up appointment with us where the surgeon will assess the result and you can clarify questions again.